If you provide a service where you charge customers a recurring fee on an ongoing basis like a monthly, quarterly or annual fee using Paypal Subscription buttons, and you would like to pay your affiliates a recurring commission, follow these instruction below.
Step 1. Add your referral program
To add your recurring affiliate program go to Manage Referral programs and then click to "+Add" shown below.
Step 2. Add Initial Settings and then select Advanced Settings
Add your referral program name, description, program type and then click the "Show Advanced Settings" link.
Step 3. Set Recurring Program Options
To enable the recurring commission options select "yes" next to "Do you want to setup recurring commission" and then below you will set your commission amount and then select "Paypal" from the drop down options shown below. and click continue.
Step 4. Set Recurring Program Options
At Next page check the option "Send Directly to My Store"
Step 5. Get code for your Paypal Subscription button
For the tracking to work correctly, you will need to get our code and add to your subscription button. To get the code, go to setup from your Admin control panel and click on the link says "I want to get code to insert on my thank you page"
Step 6. Select Paypal from the List of Shopping Carts
Once you select Paypal, you will need to copy the code shown in preparation to add to your subscription button code.
Step 7. Add code to your Paypal subscription button
Take the code you copied above in Step 6 and add it to your Paypal subscription button right before the closing form tag shown below.
Your Paypal subscription button integration is now complete. The system will now automatically add a recurring commission to an affiliate that refers someone that purchases through your Paypal subscription button as long as the subscription is active.